GWS adds Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM to its portfolio of solutions – Manage customer relationships successfully

Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM is the latest addition to the GWS extensive solutions portfolio, offering a standalone solution for customer relationship management. This new application offers businesses a holistic 360-degree view of the entire customer life cycle in their customer relationship management, giving them the opportunity to react fast and flexible to customers’ requirements, thus building long-term loyalty.Some of the practical applications include potential analysis, activity and task management, and support for both office and field based sales staff.

Adding Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM to its portfolio is GWS’s response to a growing demand for customer relationship management solutions in Germany and Europe. Recognizing that successfully working for and with customers entails knowing exactly what their desires, expectations and needs are, more and more trading companies are looking for specialized solutions which offer them holistic planning, control and execution of all customer interaction processes. After all, modern CRM solutions help to consolidate and deepen business relationships, generate more sales, and increase profits, thus strengthening the market position in the long-term.

No isolated solution

Udo Lorenz and Georg Mersmann, Joint Managing Directors of GWS have this to say about the benefits of the new solution: “Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM is the optimal link between people, data and processes, and unifies customer and corporate management.” They say other advantages include a very short implementation time and gradual introduction throughout the workforce.

Functions such as Office and Exchange can be linked directly with Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM, this also applies for using the solution within the cloud. Constant access to the reliable and future-oriented Microsoft technology also speaks for this solution.”

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